I cannot help it-I am inspired to make another illustration. This time it is my signature name. It's not that I don't like my real name-in fact-it makes me remember my mother because she is the only one in my family who call me Marissa. My siblings, relatives, friends calls me Marie-and I also like being called Marie. Over here, they call me Maria. I decided to sign Isay in all my drawings and paintings because it is shorter and I like writing the letter y with upward curve at the end. One of my colleague in the hospital I worked before- gave me that nickname. It's kinda cute and firm everytime she called my name. And I said to myself"uhmmm I like the sound of it".
The images on the right side are some of my acrylic paintings that I hope to show in an exhibition in which the question would be when? I don't want to say as usual, everything seem like "hanging" in my situation right now. But, to be honest with all of you, I am having some problems and it is hard to focus. And yet, I know that the right time will follow and by then, I'll be able to have time for my own website and I can work fulltime.