banner guys fish copy

Saturday, July 29, 2006


This is the only thing I can do online at the moment since I am still in a far away land although I have already made some paintings which I can scan and share in the near future. I cannot make the submission right now because I cannot make the file smaller(i have only ten minutes....)to fit in the static page for Illustration Friday.
Best regards.....

Saturday, July 08, 2006


This is my entry for this week's Illustration Friday's topic which is skyline. This is a digital manipulated photo I have taken in Sweden.

I would be visiting a friend for a month and hopefully when I come back, I hope I already have some good news that I can share to all of you. This is the skyline of the place I am going.

and below is the skyline of the one that I am going to miss this time around.....

Sunday, July 02, 2006

warm summer sunDAY

Very seldom we get to enjoy the joys of blue skies, beautiful sunrise at 3am, lovely and sexy summer outfits, swimming under the heat of the sun and watching the setting of the sun at the harbour after 10pm.

The image above is my entry for inspire me thursday's topic for this week which is BODY PARTS.