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Friday, April 14, 2006

fresh as spring

Last wednesday, I have been trying to create something out of the things I have collected and put it all together in a flat canvas. I was not satisfied with the outcome that I have removed some of the pieces (like stones and leaves and some pictures) and I thought I will repair it or do something else later. But you see, before I destroyed it, I took a picture of them and today I was surprised that it kinda' coincide with the idea of Inspire me Thursday's topic Vernal Equinox for this week. You would not want to see how it turned out but I am still planning to do something more with it-and yet, I would like to hear if you have some opinion and ideas that might help to make it more better in my own eyes.

By the way thanks for those who have left comments for my previous entry entitled Dynamic men. They wanted to tell you also that I just made them look handsome in my sketches(seems like they are telling me that I am not a good at drawing-would you agree?). well, jokers they are also.....


Blogger Teri said...

It is beautiful Isay and so springy!

April 14, 2006 1:48 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I kind of like how the photo looks polarized on the right.
Very spring like colors. Perhaps you can create a painting using those colors and textures.
It does have greta texture.

April 16, 2006 6:36 AM  
Blogger carla said...

The one on the right has a very springlike feeling...the colors are fresh and pretty like flowers. As far as suggestions...I think I'd choose one or two items at a time and build a separate piece around them. That way you could unify the theme and the look, showcasing the special element. You have so many wonderful things here!

April 20, 2006 5:18 PM  
Blogger TheyDHD said...

Beautiful textures, fabulous colors. I look forward to visiting your blog every week to see the new beauty you have unleashed upon the world!

April 22, 2006 11:46 PM  

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