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Friday, May 01, 2009

My travelling companion

Soul Collage Discovery Circle-The chakra allies
I never had any pet because I had allergies when I was little. In my surroundings, I only look at the animals from a distance. Then I began longing to touch them, and my first attempt was my ex husband's cat, when I began talking and became friendly with a cat. It was a slow process because I was afraid. And yet,they show themselves to me in many ways like in my dreams. I dreamt of a snake, a cat, a dog, lizards, crocodile and birds. There was also an incident that I cannot forget. It happened when I was still working in my homeland and came home in the middle of the night. I went in through my brother’s house going to our maternal house which is just beside. When I was in the middle already and getting ready to open the glass door to our maternal house, a white and really huge dog suddenly appeared and wagged his tail looking at me. I was surprised and asked who are you? But the dog went away and disappeared. I had goose pimples right away because there was no way the dog can go out because everything was closed. The next day when I told my family, my brothers said, there must be a treasure buried in our house…. And I just replied ohh yes, gold termites LOL! Ohh and by the way, I rode an elephant one evening when I travelled in Thailand. That was fun!
This card is really amazing. I was so glad when I was putting this together. It feels like a soothing water was traveling in my body. A vision of a dolphin came in my quiet time, but I cannot find a picture so I thought I’d draw in a pattern-a pattern that really fits the owner. And it says….
I am your traveling companion. I can lead you to untroubled waters under a light that will give you the freedom to show the beauty of your colors.
Inspiring isn't it? I have to be inspired nowadays because I am looking for a job.


Blogger Unknown said...

great inspiration...and I wish you luck in finding the perfect job!!

May 01, 2009 7:29 PM  
Blogger Ginger*:) said...

This is lovely and I truly hope you have good fortune in your search for a job.

May 02, 2009 12:12 PM  
Blogger soulbrush said...

it is so joyous, and happy. i am busy posting an award for you on my blog. hugs.

May 02, 2009 4:08 PM  
Blogger valerie walsh said...

A dolphin Traveling companion is a wonderful idea and very inspiring!!! Good luck with your job hunting and I will lveave you a little more inspiration that Janet from Pencil Me In left for me :)

May 02, 2009 5:30 PM  
Blogger yoon see said...

Cool one and all my wishes for your best of luck in serach of the perfect job Isay:)

May 03, 2009 9:48 AM  
Blogger valerie walsh said...

Here is the link and yea Manny!!!

May 03, 2009 8:22 PM  
Blogger Bella Sinclair said...

Beautiful! I love the sunset streaking across the water, and the orange flower. But that dolphin with its blue and white pattern is just awesome! I love the words you wrote. Very beautiful and inspiring.

The best of luck to you in finding a good job!

May 04, 2009 12:14 AM  

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