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Tuesday, January 09, 2007

painting roses

“There is nothing more difficult for a truly creative painter than to paint a rose, because before he can do so he has first to forget all the roses that were ever painted.” -Henri Matisse

I cannot finished my painting because I am not satisfied with it. It's my first attempt to paint red roses(usually I paint pink roses) and in a very big canvass. I took a picture and try the filters in PH CS if the lights and shadows were ok but I am not sure still, which way to go to finish it. I do my paintings now in my kitchen where I have really wonderful light-


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Tuesday, Isay. It looks wonderful to me, as do the other images below, especially the girl in the yellow sweater - tired or not, your hands create beauty.
Love to you, x

January 09, 2007 5:36 AM  
Blogger isay said...

thanks my dear autumn friend! i hope your both doing okay over there.

love to you, too!

January 10, 2007 10:10 AM  

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