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Sunday, June 04, 2006

last week

These are illustrations I have made for IF's topic last week which is cake. I was not able to upload it because I didn't had the time because of my problem. I have been drawing and painting (but not digitally and I miss it terribly) during my free time and I when am totally alone to avoid too much thinking.....and yet, i am surprised sometimes how my illustrations would turn out. For example the little cake on a palm with a little figure of a man that looks like he was wondering why he was there on tough of the cake. he didn't even know that he will be lighted on later on. Many of my drawings and paintings I realized expresses my subconcious feelings at the moment I am making my illustration, I guess so...... I will upload all of them when I am finally settled. This is the second on my first entry for IF this week. I cannot upload this separately from the other image and surprisingly I was able to in this post.


Blogger Weichuen You said...

Exactly! So images can't deceive people because they reflect what you think deep within. I think you have got the gist--it's true not to think too much. After all, the reality won't change no matter how you think right?

I am looking forward to your paintings. I like hand-drawn ones as well!

June 05, 2006 2:19 AM  

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