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Friday, January 27, 2006


I received a text message after midnight from my sister. A friend of mine , her husband and 5 kids was massacred in their house earlier in the Philippines. The father and the son died of stabbed wounds and my friend is critical. I found myself shaking and my heart was beating so fast. I don't want to post it here but I have to unload. I am really feeling bad.


Blogger Unknown said...

Isay, I am so sorry. I will keep you and your friend in my prayers during this difficult time. Sending you healing energy.

January 27, 2006 3:28 AM  
Blogger flossy-p said...

Oh my God, that's absolutely terrible. I'm so very very sorry. Sending you and your loved ones all our prayers.

January 27, 2006 4:14 AM  
Blogger Caroline said...

Isay this is dreadful. The world is a dark place today.

Love and light!

January 27, 2006 4:27 AM  
Blogger carla said...

This is a horror beyond words. I am so sorry. I am sure you must be having a hard time processing all of this...I send you my best wishes for strength.

January 27, 2006 8:02 AM  
Blogger steve said...

That is horrible, Isay ! Did the police catch the monsters who did this ? It seems like the world gets uglier and uglier every day. I hope your friend recovers soon, and that she not suffer unnecissarily from this horror. You mentioned the father and a son, what about the other four siblings ?

I am so sorry this tragedy has happened. Unload on us all you want, kiddo.


January 27, 2006 8:15 AM  
Blogger isay said...

Thanks Tony, Flossy-p,Caroline,Carla, Steve. I am still shaking until now. My Friend is still critical in the hospital, the police have the taken the two dead bodies, and the other children I think was able to escape. There were two men who did this to them and one of them was already caught. I hope to get more info tomorrow.

January 27, 2006 9:38 AM  
Blogger Autumn Storm said...

Sorry, sweetheart. Saw there is an update, will comment more there.

January 27, 2006 10:38 AM  
Blogger Aravis said...

I'm so very sorry! *HUG*

January 27, 2006 1:38 PM  
Blogger elegraph said...

wow - that's terrible! i'm really sorry beyond words. peace to all of you.

January 28, 2006 4:02 PM  
Blogger consise10 said...

What an awful destiny! Shocking to say the least. Im sorry to hear of such bloody treachery,I hope you are doing ok.

January 28, 2006 6:32 PM  

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