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Friday, August 19, 2005


According to the dictionary Reflection could also mean a manifestation or result: For example-Achievement is a reflection of a person's courage. In this illustration, I have drawn one of my most unforgettable experience in the past. I have made the outline by pencil, scan it and finished everything in photoshop. I also organized some of the pictures I’ve taken during that time and also a map tourist guide of the place. Just click the title to be redirected in flickr site if you have the desire to see them. I will spare you all of the details of my long story and I would just relay to you a part of that adventure in my life.

My friend Bro Paul, Andrew (our guide) and myself have set our schedule one afternoon in exploring the famous Sumaging cave or also known as the “Big Cave”. Some of the old people said that the cave was underwater during the old days and that it was enormous in size and had an unimaginative depth. My heart was pounding as we walked down with our barefeet in a steep and slippery path from the opening to the caves main chamber. It only stopped as I was fascinated by the lovely and huge rock formations of limestones and stalagtites. Some of them were given names such as Rice Granary, Cauliflower, Kings Curtains, Dancing Hall etc. The most hardest part we did was to crawl passing through some parts of the caves while we practice breathing exercises in going in and out of tiny passages like giant rat holes and slippery even. The guide always went ahead of us because there were some cracks going out of those holes which are filled with water and have depths beyond measure. We also walked through running waters while climbing up a rope against a tall limestone wall going to the other side. The cave was really dark,cold and filled with bottomless pits and unknown elements. Coming out of the cave was a relief because I have started overcoming my being agorophobic and claustrophobic. Bro Paul who have always been so poetic said “your smile have become the reflection of your courage in defeating your fears”. Lastly, we ate our dinner in a beautiful (made of Nipa Hut) café where we had eaten rice menus, drank a tasteful rice wine and the most wonderful fresh strawberry shake I have ever tasted.


Blogger Ginger*:) said...

This is a very intriguing image and your description of the journey through the caves is giving me the chills. You are very brave to take such a trek. I am sure the dinner afterwards was a most refreshing reward.

August 19, 2005 2:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that sounds very fearful and yet i'm sure it was rewarding. i like the imagery here, and now i want a shake too! ^_^

and thanks so much for your comment on my blog...

August 19, 2005 2:38 PM  
Blogger steve said...

Oooo ! Caves are sooo kewl ! It's like a whole alien world where almost anything could be lurking just beyond the next tunnel branch.
It gives me delicious goose bumps!
Just think about all the cave systems that have never been explored nor even documented.

I wonder if any humans wandered down into them and formed a permanent settlement in the deep dark underworld...

August 19, 2005 5:18 PM  
Blogger carla said...

This looks very different than some of your other work...I think mostly the colors...but it's a fine departure! That sounds like quite an adventure:>

August 19, 2005 6:18 PM  
Blogger Aravis said...

This was a great story, isay. How brave of you! I like what Bro. Paul said to you after. Wonderful illo!

August 19, 2005 9:37 PM  
Blogger isay said...

thank you all for your comments. i can't think of something different for this week's topic, anyway, it was really quite an experience.

steve, i have thought about the aliens. it gave me the creep....

carla i always make some other versions of my drawings but i seldom publish all of them. actually, in the other one, their faces are not blank.

Have a nice day all of you!

August 19, 2005 11:35 PM  
Blogger Weichuen You said...

isay, this is probably one of my favorite drawings among all the beautiful works!

August 20, 2005 2:42 AM  
Blogger paige said...

I just love that you are experimenting and discovering news ways to express your thoughtful interpretations for Illo Friday. I see lots of growth! And that's what we're all here for!! Great colors, composition and I love the little backpacks on the people.

Keep up the great work.

August 20, 2005 10:16 AM  
Blogger isay said...

thanks a lot miragee but there's more entries to come in IF and you try to go back also because i sometimes do another illustration of the topic.

hi paige! 'glad that you like it.i am also discovering a lot and i can also draw straight in photoshop already which i am enjoying a lot. i have done a series of beautiful illustration which i had tried to display on my banner but failed. i will try later when i am more relaxed.

August 20, 2005 12:27 PM  
Blogger Rowantree said...

I was in a similar cave, many years ago, and you had capture the concept perfectly !

August 20, 2005 12:31 PM  
Blogger Anonymous said...

I LOVED caving, and can't do it any more now old and physically inept :( Congratulations on your feat against agoraphobia and claustrophobia Isay! Wonderful drawing and I love your stories :)

August 20, 2005 4:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i LOVE spelunking (sp!) your friend was so right, to overcome such phobias in such a difficult manner was incredibly courageous...most people try elevators to get over their claustraphobia! inspirational darling!

August 20, 2005 7:27 PM  
Blogger isay said...

thanks for visiting anon. i always love to see your mark on the right. best regards!

and to you too kerry! actually, i was trapped in an elevator once and alone that i was lucky it was only for some minutes but have found myself speechless.

August 21, 2005 1:38 AM  
Blogger isay said...

thanks rowantree and mistergonzo i am glad you like it.

August 21, 2005 10:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isay, that sounds really scary. Nice job on the illustration.

August 21, 2005 11:12 AM  
Blogger bee'nme said...

Hi Isay - you always have great stories! Nicely done this week.

August 21, 2005 2:10 PM  
Blogger atomicvelvetsigh said...

great concept for an illo.. it does look diff from your prev illos.. but its as creative 8)

August 22, 2005 12:09 AM  
Blogger Leeza Hernandez Illustrator said...

Great work! and fascinating story... I admire you. It takes a lot of strength and courage to do what you did. Bravo.

August 22, 2005 5:30 AM  
Blogger Dana S. Whitney said...

Wonderful story! Reminds me of the old woman with the Rice Cake who falls into the center of the world....

August 22, 2005 8:20 PM  

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